Thursday, July 14, 2011

Projects (a reminder) and Pinterest

Stuff on my plate that I still need to work on:

- Family tree project (freelance project = $)
- Nursery paintings x 2 or 3 (friend project)
- Couples portrait painting x 2 (friend projects - similar style to Christmas paintings)
- Wedding logo (cousin project)
- Business card design (friend project)
- Website update (personal project... desperate need of an update)


Just started using Pinterest. What an awesome idea. I have needed this for a long time. It's pretty much a visual bookmarking site where you can sort your bookmarks into categories (such as "Inspiration" or "Recipes"). I do this with my favorites/bookmarks on my web browser, but they are hidden most of the time and I tend to forget about them. (If you click on my link, my categories have been set up, but not too many "Pins" yet! I need time to go crazy!!!)

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