Friday, May 22, 2009

flick account

Finally updated my flickr account: after 4 years since signing up. Depending on what I will do in the future (more photography?), I might upgrade to a pro account for $25/year. It's a good site to upload digital proofs that people can download the original sizes from.

Right now, there's not much on there, just a few of my favorites from a set of photos I took last weekend of my friends and their baby, and their friends and baby. (I took their Christmas card photos last year) I might post up more, i.e. wedding photos, dog photos... just need to find time to search my hard drives for these pics.

Friday, May 15, 2009

moo cards!

I love 'em!

These are just 5/100th of the cards I chose at random to keep in my wallet. Pretty damn awesome! (I owe you some, Peng!)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


The last few weeks have been a blur... (please reference my other blog for details).

I really haven't been doing much for myself lately. I do have a business card to work on for someone and a baby photo shoot Saturday. Extra monies coming in is always a good idea, but I have been SLACK on my web courses!! BAD JAC! I am more than sure that I will have to file for an extension to finish everything after December. Geeze. Gotta get my priorities in line. I feel bad for turning down freelance projects that I can do, but know that I really don't have time for. I did finally get paid for the 2 websites I did, which went straight to savings... I'll probably have to report those earnings to Uncle Sam, so I might as well not touch it for now. (But hopefully we will have a nice tax break next year... LOL)

Oh! I did do one thing that I can post! I'm running a relay race this Saturday: the Care for Cora Run at Savannah Christian School. I'll be running with my friend Stephanie and her two twin girls! It should be fun! To make it even more fun, we decided to give our relay team a name and make matching t-shirts! Check out our team logo I made:

No thumbs -- I know! But I was too tired to make it any more detailed...haha

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I finally ordered myself some mini cards! I have wanted them ever since I saw an ad for them on someone's flickr account. I got Pennie a gift certificate for Xmas and she recently sent me some of her minicards...and they looked awesome!!

I used a bunch of photos and a few patterned vector files I created or just had on hand....

Cant wait to get 'em!! Will I even want to give any out? :)