Friday, May 15, 2009

moo cards!

I love 'em!

These are just 5/100th of the cards I chose at random to keep in my wallet. Pretty damn awesome! (I owe you some, Peng!)


Peng-Peng said...

ooooohhhh!!! they're purdy! i can't wait for my set!! =P told u they looked real cool. it's so small but it makes quite the impression. flippin sweet! btw, who's the hound dog in the first card? did u paint that or is it a photograph??

Jac V. said...

the hound dog is my friend's basset, Ginger. It's one of the photos taken from the doggie carnival!

maraROCK said...

Moo cards ROCK... Wait... does that mean you have a flickr acct?

Tina & Drew said...

I need some of these bad boys - what's the turn around time on them. I'll be rocking your cards at E3 Jacy, folks love them :)