Thursday, June 19, 2008

"Bring Your Dog to Work Day" is this Friday June 20

Since I work at home now, "Bring Your Dog to Work Day" is everyday for me!! :)

Lots of stuff going on lately, so I haven't had time to draw anything. And I want to paint my house this weekend, before I change my mind on colors again.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


For some reason I have a ton of sketches of Joel...most of where he is playing Xbox 360... I guess it's because I can count on him being in one position for an extended period of time!

I need to try something other than pencil to draw with. I like using the fine point microns...or a nice fine point ball pen. I dig the fine points! Just have to dig mine up! (they're probably dried out...)

Monday, June 2, 2008

no weekend drawing... had another project

In lieu of drawing, most of my efforts this weekend were put towards much needed yardwork! I wish I had some "before" pics to these "after" pics.

A full shot of the front...I love the red cedar mulch!

Hibiscus on the side of the house (don't mind the dead grass)

Flower bed

I love this red leaf thing!